Nov. 5 marked an end to a long and tense election cycle! In a not-so-shocking victory, Trump restored hope to many, at the expense of deeply upset Kamala…
4 min read
In the complex matrix of human emotions, envy is particularly challenging. It creeps quietly into our thoughts, casting a shadow of dissatisfaction and resentment over our hearts. From…
4 min read
And How it can transform your life too. Embarking on my journey towards Catholicism since December 2023 has been a deeply personal and transformative expedition. This path began…
4 min read
Previous Post Some reasons why Yoga and Catholicism do not mix well. Are you a regular yoga practitioner? Well, if you’re Catholic or claim to be a follower…
4 min read
Introduction: Welcome to my blog, where I share my journey as a growing Catholic and my fascination with the rich teachings of the Catholic Church. Having been raised…
4 min read